Who are you?

Well, I sure as hell hope you know who you are as I won’t be answering that question. I used to do strategy work but don’t find that kind of work as exciting anymore. I will leave that piece of work to others to assist you.

Who you are is most likely a large organization that is looking to either buy or sell a business, or a business unit, OR, you are a small start-up who has just been approached with their first offer, or partaken in a discussion about one.

You have probably engaged with investment banking firms before. They are either too large or too small…and if they are just right, then it is the fees that have you so concerned that you are now reading this page.

You are looking at hiring someone to act on your behalf, but want someone who is engaged as if they work for your firm.

You want someone with verifiable global experience to act for you. Someone who has contacts on all continents.

You understand that fun is important in keeping people’s sanity when working on high intensity deals.

You are ethical and have both personal and organizational integrity.